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  • Taitz, J.L. (2012). End Emotional Eating. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

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  • Denniston, P. (2021). Healing Through Yoga: Transform Loss into Empowerment. Chronicle Prism.

    Hay, L. & Kessler, D. (2014). You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce, or Death. Hay House, Inc.

    Kessler, D. (2020). Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. Scribner.

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    Gibson, L.C. (2023). Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People: Avoid Emotional Traps, Stand Up for Your Self, and Transform Your Relationships as an Adult Child of Emotionally Immature Parents. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

    Gottman, J. M., Gottman, J. S., Abrams, D. C., Abrams, R. C., & Hardin, L. L. (2018). Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love. Workman Publishing Co., Inc.

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    Kishimi, I. & Koga, F. (2018). The Courage to Be Disliked. Atria Books.

  • *The following recommendations are made solely based on the provider’s user experience. Provider receives no incentives for these recommendations.


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  • Arabi, S. (2016). Becoming the Narcissist's Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist while Supplying Yourself. SCW Archer Publishing.

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    Forward, S. & Buck, C. (2002). Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life. Bantam.

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    Forward, S. & Glynn, D.F. (2014). Mothers Who Can’t Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters. Harper.

    Gibson, L.C. (2015). Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

    Gibson, L.C. (2019). Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents: Practical Tools to Establish Boundaries & Reclaim Your Emotional Autonomy. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

    Holmes, M.M. & Pillo, C. (2000). A Terrible Thing Happened. Magination Press.

    LePera, N. (2021). How To Do The Work. Harper.

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    MacKenzie, J. (2019). Whole Again: Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse. Tarcher Perigee.

    McBride, K. (2008). Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. Free Press.

    Norwood, R. (2008). Women Who Love Too Much: When You Keep Wishing and Hoping He'll Change. Pocket Books.

    Thomas, S. (2016). Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse. MAST Publishing House.

    Thomas, S. (2018). Exposing Financial Abuse: When Money Is A Weapon. MAST Publishing House.

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  • Ali, S. (2018). The Self Love Workbook. Ulysses Press.

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    Sweeney, M. (2018). Let That Sh*t Go: A Journal for Leaving Your Bullsh*t Behind and Creating a Happy Life. Castle Point Books.

    Sweeney, M. (2019). Find Your F*cking Happy: A Journal to Help Pave the Way for Positive Sh*t Ahead. Castle Point Books.

    Sweeney, M. (2020). You Are My F*cking Sunshine: A Gratitude Journal for the Sh*t That Makes Your World Happy and Bright. Castle Point Books.

    Sweeney, M. (2020). Get Sh*t Done: A Zen as F*ck Daily Planner. Castle Point Books.